- not tall and skinny, or horizontal, or with holes

Wood, plaster, wire, garden detritus. I created a plaster maquette for a piece and then abandoned it to the bone pile. After 8 years I got this. Not likely to be a high volume production run.

Basalt. Only took one cut.

Black Belgian Marble, sliced and re-assembled.
Pakistani Onyx. I wanted to create an egg form but there was not enough material there to fully execute. Instead I suggested most of the form, which I think worked even better.

Springstone with aluminum base. Carved the day after 9/11 while in a Shona carving workshop.

Unique piece of BC black marble. Very oily. My geologist friend says this is exactly what they seek when drilling for oil.

Bardiglio marble.

Basalt and steel. Influenced by sea urchin spines.

Diorite spear - I wanted it to hang from something

Black Belgian Marble - cut and re-assembled and cut again

Playing around in a friend's studio but he didn't have stone

Carrara Marble. Formerly the torso of a previous piece.
Andesite - After hanging out with some Shona sculptors...

Italian Marble - Yoga

Black Canadian Marble - Watching the Greek financial crisis

Basalt found along the road on a bike ride

Black Belgian Marble and Steel. Marble thrown on the floor and re-assembled with golden epoxy. Just wanted to do Kintsugi.

White Jasper - Largely carved by Karl Hufbauer; repurposed by me.

Brucite. Love the red blood cell form.

Basalt on Marble.