— After being enthralled by Tall and Skinny I changed direction and went horizontal

Carrara Marble.

Black Belgian Marble. This twisted piece stood on its end in my studio for years and I couldn't figure out how to use the twist. When I moved studios it ended up horizontal and I knew immediately what to do.

Black Belgian Marble. A little scrap left over from another project. I broke it after completion and used golden epoxy in the Kintsugi fashion.
Black Belgian Marble scrap. Influenced by kayaks and crew boats

Brucite. Amazing colors swirling through this stone. God's version of a bowling ball swirly plastic, but of course 1000x better.

Portoro Marble. I cut the marble and re-assembled it in order to get more movement than was present in the initial skinny slab.


Marquina Marble. A core left over from someone's project.