Large Scale
— When your floor load capacity is exceeded, put it outside
The Triangle Pose, created for the Triangle Apartments in downtown Redmond. Made of triangular steel bits (what else!)
Must have the twilight image!
The Triangle pose in yoga, executed in small steel triangles.

Cascade Granite. 5,000 lb King of the Cockles.

Cascade Granite. 5,000 lb King of the Cockles.

The City of Pocatello Arts Council wanted a bench from their local Idaho travertine. Rectangular benches are boring, so I did something the kids would love and adults would use.

Basalt and Steel. This visited Wilsonville, OR as part of a City loan program and never came back. A local resident didn't want this to leave once the display period ended.

Henna Limestone and Basalt, in a private garden.

Basalt and Steel. I just couldn't bring myself to mar the bottom of the stone with a pin, so I hung it instead.

Basalt. Largest version of my oYo series.

Basalt - 4 pieces. In a pocket park developed by SouthEast Effective Development in Seattle. The client wanted a contemplative feeling for this pass-through park.

Basalt. About 4 foot tall. The piece I call Dark. In a pocket park developed by SouthEast Effective Development in Seattle.

Basalt. About 5 foot tall. The piece I call Chasm. In a pocket park developed by SouthEast Effective Development in Seattle.

Basalt. About 5 foot tall. The piece I call Beetle. In a pocket park developed by SouthEast Effective Development in Seattle.

Basalt. The piece I call Clam. About 2 foot tall. In a pocket park developed by SouthEast Effective Development in Seattle.

Henna Limestone, in situ. Lobby of the West 8th office building downtown Seattle

Vietnamese Marble. Created on site in Chau Doc, VN at a sculpture symposium. This was a group of domestic and international artists hosted by a monastery to create sculpture over a 6-week period. Memorable experience in so many ways.

Basalt leaf, inspired by neolithic monuments.
View of one of the many slices through the stone.